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"In the last couple of months, you have been fantastic at providing a support and guidance to the many management referrals that I have put forward to you. I will be glad to continue to work with you going forward.” - Senior HR Manager, Global Company

"The management report you provided was most helpful. I now have all I need to progress this case. Thank you.” - Senior Manager, Charity

"Our employee was very complimentary of the occupational health process and I wanted to give you this feedback particularly.” - Manager, Manufacturing Company

“Thanks for the excellent report; it is very helpful. Our employee has been in today, and we have agreed a return-to-work programme over the next four weeks, in accordance with your suggested graded return to work programme” – HR Manager, Premiership Football Club

“Our employee found the discussion with you very positive, so thank you for your input and for turning this around so quickly” HR Manager, Global Company

“Thank you for sending the copy of the report through so quickly. I really appreciate your phone call today; I already feel a weight has been lifted now that work know the full picture. I hope this is the start of it all being over now. Thanks again” – Employee, Events Industry

“Thank you very much for sending me a copy of the report, and for your helpful advice and the chat
earlier on. I am very grateful” – Employee, Operations 
